Груба, печь, антиквариат, Екатеринослав, 19 век, отл. состояние
в 10:25, 6 сентября 2017,
Груба, Печь, Антиквариат, Екатеринослав, 19 век, цветная эмаль, очень хорошее состояние.
Dear Sirs
І have in my ownership ceramic stove tiles
manufactured in Ekanerinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk),
Ukraine, antiques 19 century. Their extremely good
condition and unusual for this spatiotemporal region
coloring and pattern allow to use them in various
design projects involving authentic detailes and
antique architectural style. Live history is
accurately packed and awaiting for you to take it from
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine!
Some fotos are attached, more can be presented if it
is necessary. You can write here pragma(AT)ua*fm or
call here 38O 93 75Ч2I3Ч, 38O 95 2-2-O9-859.
Not only English can be used, but also French and Spanish.
Было найдено: 12.09.2017