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Продам превосходный цифрово-аналоговый гибридный 6 голосый синтезатор Ambika от Mutable Instruments. Синтезатор собран на фирменных комплектующих c Mouser и Digi-Key. Корпус выполнен из стильного графитового акрила Plexiglas. По желанию покупателя на синтезатор может быть установлена как оригинальная OS от Mutable Instruments, так и альтернативная YAM OS. В комплекте к синтезатору идет 9V AC 1A блок питания и SD card с загруженными на нее пресетами.
Синтезатор может комплектоваться шестью платами голосов из трех доступных в ассортименте видов плат: SMR4, SVF или 4P. . . либо любой их комбинацией.
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"Ambika is a monster multi-voice hybrid synthesizer. You can play it as a 6-voice polysynth, an ensemble of 6 monosynths, or anything inbetween due to its easily configurable voicing architecture.
The sound generation is hybrid, combining the warmth and sonic character of a true 4-pole analog filter (or 2-pole multimode filter depending on the type of voicecard used), with the large array of waveforms offered by digital wavetables, fm and phase modulation. The digital control of the analogue filter and VCA also means a very large palette of modulation possibilities.
Some of the key features of Ambika include:
- 6 voices with individual outputs.
- 2 digital oscillators per voice, with 36 oscillator algorithms/wavetables.
- 1 sub-oscillator, also configurable as a transient generator.
- Pre-filter overdrive and bit-crushing effect.
- Analog 4-pole filter (or 2-pole multimode filter depending on the type of voicecard used) and VCA.
- 3 ADSR envelopes, 3 patch-level LFOs, 1 voice-level LFO.
- Modulation matrix with 14 slots and 4 modulation modifiers.
- 1 arpeggiator, 1 note sequencer and 2 step sequencers per part.
- Flexible mapping of the 6 voices. A single patch with 6 voice-polyphony, 6 independent mono parts, 2 layered patches with 3-voices polyphony, a 3-voice unison bass line on the lower half of the keyboard with a 3-voice unison lead on the upper half… all are possible!
- SD-card storage allows the storing of a life-long of patches, programs and multis, along with the history of editing operations for undo/redo."
Было найдено: 07.01.2019