067-592-08-35 - Юля

Скакалка Harbinger Speed rope springtouw

в 18:12, 2 мая 2018,


Speed Rope Description from Harbinger
-"Dual-corded" PVC rope - PVC wrapped around cotton cording to prevent stretching.
-Steel bearings provide a smooth, consistent swing motion and are highly durable.
-Dual-injection molded, handles allow for a firmer and more comfortable grip while providing the maximum in control.
-Rope is 9 feet in length and can be shortened.

Было найдено: 02.05.2018

Скалка Harbinger Speed rope springtouw

в 18:34, 18 июля 2017,


Speed Rope Description from Harbinger
-"Dual-corded" PVC rope - PVC wrapped around cotton cording to prevent stretching.
-Steel bearings provide a smooth, consistent swing motion and are highly durable.
-Dual-injection molded, handles allow for a firmer and more comfortable grip while providing the maximum in control.
-Rope is 9 feet in length and can be shortened.

Было найдено: 28.07.2017
